This post is a legacy post. It was created on the old site (pre 2022). The information here may not be up to date anymore.
First update for Useful Interior of 2019!
Here is a list of changes and additions:
- Added Ice Bucket
- Added Packed Ice Bucket
- Added Red Sandbox
- Added Gramophone
- Changed Vegetable Mix Recipe
- Changed some Freezer Recipes
- BUG Empty bookshelves now work with enchanting tables. Fewer books = less effective. (thx Darkfiend009)
- BUG Breaking a Street Lantern would break multiple blocks above the lantern. (thx Heriptik)
- BUG The Trash Cans now have a GUI and work on Servers (thx DonRedhorse)
- BUG Breaking a bookshelf with silktouch would still return an empty bookshelf. (thx just_some_user)